
Expensive transportation costs, Apple Mac Pro will be produced in the United States

Recently, Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a media interview, next year will invest $ 100 million to build a complete Mac computer production line in the United States. At the time, Cook is not clear that the production line for which a product. According to a variety of factors into account, only a product produced in the United States, that is, the Mac Pro. The reasons are:

1, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center specializing in plant operations, labor economist Dan Luria interview on December 8, said: "$ 100 million investment by Apple in the United States to establish a total workforce of about 200 people, plant, equipment, annual output 100 million units. "

2, last year, Apple sold a total of about 18 million Mac computers, including 13.5 million laptop, as well as 4.6 million desktop computers (including iMac, Mac mini and Mac Pro). Only the Mac mini and Mac Pro sales of less than 1 million units, and the Mac Pro is the most heavy and expensive to transport.

3, according to reports, Tim Cook and an Apple spokesman have said that in 2013, Apple will release the new Mac Pro.

4, United States production will inevitably lead to rising labor costs. Compared with the price of 1000-1300 U.S. dollars (about 6230-8099 Yuan), iMac or MacBook, Mac Pro price of 2500-3800 U.S. dollars (about 15,575 to 23,673 Yuan) to better digestion of these additional labor costs.

5, compared with other Apple products, Mac Pro easier customization and assembly.

