
2 models BlackBerry 10 New mobile phone exposure Or launch 4 models Phone

Blackberry 10 operating systems and devices from the RIM Group released only a month or so, recently, two BlackBerry 10 devices are also continued with exposure. Including L-Series of full-touch screen mobile phone, in addition to a classic BlackBerry full keyboard N series. Both phones appear to attract a lot of eyeballs. Sources show that the two devices will be continued with the release of the BlackBerry 10 operating system listed.

BlackBerry 10 device seems to have more than two of the best of our knowledge; a group photo was exposed, which greets two new BlackBerry. As shown in the left shows a called BlackBerry X10 devices and N Series full keyboard design. The whole appearance looks and released before the HTC ChaCha bore a striking resemblance to gene seems a far cry from the design of the phone with the BlackBerry.

The other, a Blackberry Z10 is located in the middle of the picture; this phone is a full touch screen phone, leaked before the L series is different. The entire front of the screen is a whole, not similar to the L-series separator. BlackBerry The Z10 also very close initially so that the design concept of the L series.

There are no details about two new BlackBerry device information, specifications, prices are still unknown. So far, we've seen a total of four BlackBerry 10 devices, to release several BlackBerry Official As for the end of next month in the end, have to wait for them to reveal the puzzle, we'll see.

