Quad-core storm set off in the mobile phone market, tablet PCs also quietly entered the quad-core era. Recently, Samsung Electronics officially released in China, its first quad-core Tablet PC product GALAXY Note 10.1. A product that uses a screen resolution of 1280 × 800 10.1-inch display with a quad-core A9 architecture 32nm process technology Exynos 4 processor, 2GB of memory to run performance than similar products currently on the market than Apple's New iPad should win a chip on the performance indicators. In addition to the powerful hardware performance, in the software application level, the Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 added many exclusive design. It can support multi-display capabilities to enhance the practicality of multi-tasking, and also through the stylus that comes with the exclusive S Pen applications the S Note various templates, shape matching and formula recognition and other functions to provide a user-friendly to support a variety of education courses access function. In addition, GALAXY Note 10.1 will support Adobe's latest creative type applications Photoshop Touch With the stylus can act as the artist's creative props.
Reference price: $ 549 16GB WiFi version of the $ 499 32GB WiFi version.